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Find a Sunrise
Sunrise From May 2005


“Fiona. Thanks again for all your efforts. What a GREAT job! They loved it.....like heaps, very emotional when they realised it was Clovelly. It means alot to them to have such a meaningful memory of their lives in Oz. So thanks heaps”
Chris Alexopolous
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Q. Where are the photos taken
A. Our images are taken from the northern beaches of Sydney, mostly Avalon.
From 2010 to 2013 we also took images from Miami, USA. However operating remotely
became diffiult to maintain.
Q. How do I know that the photo was taken on the day stated?
A. The site itself is the proof that the photos are from the date stated. Every day is listed and all of the photos are different. We have included photos taken during bad weather and no photos are listed when we have had a technical failure.
Q. What are my options if my sunrise is no good?
A. Option 1. If you are in Australia and the Sydney sunrise is no good you can purchase the Miami sunrise and vice versa. We have Sydney photos from May 2005 and Miami photos from March 2010. Option 2. If the sunrise from your day is no good but the sunrise from the following day is better you can purchase the sunrise from the day after. eg. If your baby was born on the 25th you could use the photo from the 26th and have a caption like this. “Isabelle Anne Smith, Born 25th January 2009, Your first sunrise” The discreet time and date at the bottom left corner of the photo will show the date the photo was taken as the 26th.
Q. What is the personal caption?
A. A caption can be added above the date to give your sunrise photo that personal touch. It can be as simple as the baby’s name for a birth or the couple’s names for a wedding. Some customers have added quotations from poetry, songs or the bible. For a baby's birth you can also add details of interest such as the time of birth, the weight and the length. 
Q. How long can the personal caption be?
A. We suggest no more than 5 lines.
Q. Can I place an order over the phone?
A. Yes, please call us on the number listed above
Q. What are the prices for photos and postage?
A. Please see Products and Prices.
Q. How long after payment until I receive my print?
A. Please see Delivery and Returns.
Q. How big are the photos?
A. The photos are 600 x 250mm (24 x 10inch). This includes the white border and text.
Q. Can I order different size photos?
A. Yes, additional fees will apply. Prices on application. Please Contact Us
Q. Can I order photos for dates in the future?
A. Yes, send us an email via Contact Us and we will contact you with a reminder email and sample photos after the day.
Q. What if I don"t like my photo or frame?
A. If you are unsatisfied in any way with the quality of the print or if the goods are damaged in the mail we offer a no questions asked replacement or full refund on the return of goods.
Q. Do everysunrise.com do framing?
A. Yes we have a number of framing options depending on your budget and taste. These options are available when ordering. Please see Products and Prices
Q. What payment methods do Every Sunrise accept?
A. Payment can be made by Credit Card, Paypal, Bank Transfer and by redeeming a Gift Certificate.
Q. What are the banking details for Every Sunrise if I want to pay by bank transfer?
A. Bank: St George, Name: Every Sunrise Pty Ltd, BSB 112879, Acc 429096842.