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Find a Sunrise
Sunrise From May 2005


“What a fantastic idea. Such a unique and sentimental gift.”
Steve Smith
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Caption Suggestions

The caption gives your sunrise photo that personal touch. It can be as simple as the baby’s name for a baby sunrise or the couple’s names for a wedding sunrise. You can further personalise your sunrise photograph with quotations from the bible, poetry or song. For babies you may like to add details of interest such as the time of birth, the weight and the length of the baby. If the sunrise photo is a gift we recomend that you keep the caption as simple as possible and avoid adding "from your name" in the caption 
We have listed some example captions below or you can view Latin Quotes or Bible Quotes.

New Baby

Isabelle Lucille Folbig Friday 16th September 2005
Isabelle Lucille Folbig born 12.11pm on this day
Friday 16th September 2005
A New Day    A New Life
Isabelle Lucille Folbig 
Friday 16th September 2005
6.07am, 3210g, 49.5cm 
Isabelle Lucille Folbig
'A little ray of sunshine has come into the world...'
Friday 16th September 2005
Lord, Bless this tiny infant,
brought to You today 
and teach her precious little feet 
to follow in Your way.
Isabelle Lucille Folbig
Born Friday 16th September 2005 
Sunrise blossoms into life
Isabelle Lucille Folbig
Friday 16th September 2005 
Our Love Our Life, Our Shining Light
Isabelle Folbig
Friday 16th September 2005 
A blessing from God
Friday 16th September 2005 


Charlie Mury, Chastened this day
Sunday 21st October 2005 
Sunday 2nd April 2006 
On the day that this sun rose I became your god mother and you became my god daughter. 
Know that I will always be near for my precious god daughter.
Always with love Aunty Amber xoxoxox 


Catherine and Julian
Saturday 10th September 2005 
Our Wedding Day
Saturday 10th September 2005 
Catherine & Julian
Sydney sunrise on your Wedding Day
Friday 16th September 2005 
The dawn of our new life together
Catherine and Julian
Saturday 10th September 2005 
Grow old along with me
Catherine and Julian
Saturday 10th September 2005 


Peter and Julie
The dawn of another 40 Years
Tuesday 8th August 2005 
Peter and Julie
The dawn of another 40 Years
Tuesday 8th August 2005


Hugh Gibson
The sunrise in Australia on your 21st Birthday
Monday 10th October 2005 
To my darling husband on his 30th birthday 
All my love Cate
Monday 10th October 2005